Primary Colors

There are two primary brand colors. The first is an orange that captures the warmth of California and the energy of progress. It also maintains the color equity in the California Smokers' Helpline logo.

The second primary color is a deep navy that complements the orange. Wherever possible, navy should take the place of black.

orange quad.png

PMS: 124C

CMYK: 0 45 97 0

RGB: 255 158 27


navy cuad.png

PMS: 7463C

CMYK: 100 82 44 44

RGB: 9 43 73

HEX: #092B49

yello cuad.png

PMS: 393C

CMYK: 9 0 68 0

RGB: 238 236 117


blue cuad.png

PMS: 7457C

CMYK: 26 4 7 0

RGB: 185 218 229


Secondary Colors

These secondary colors can be used on their own or in combination with the primary colors.


Color Combinations

Here are some color combinations that can be made with our primary and secondary colors. These examples use analogous colors for tonal palettes in warm or cool hues.

The colors can also be combined in complementary palettes for a more youthful, energetic feel.

  • PMS 124C

  • PMS 393C

  • White

  • PMS 7463C

  • PMS 7457C

  • White